Business ethics / William H. Shaw. by Shaw, William H, 1948-. Edition: Third Edition.Publisher: Belmont, CA : Wadsworth Pub., [1999Copyright date: copyright 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 174.4 Sh28b 1999]
Moral issues in business / Vincent Barry. by Barry, Vincent E. Edition: Third Edition.Publisher: Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth, [1986Copyright date: copyright 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 174.4 B279m 1986]
Business ethics / William H. Shaw. by Shaw, William H, 1948-. Edition: Seventh edition, international edition.Publisher: Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, �2011Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 174.4 Sh28b 2011]
(1), Graduate School Library
[Call number: HF 5387 .S53 2011]
Ethics of health care / Benedict M. Ashley, Kevin D. O'Rourke. by Ashley, Benedict M | O'Rourke, Kevin D | Ashley, Benedict M. Health care ethics. Publisher: St. Louis, MO : Catholic Health Association of the United States, [1986]Copyright date: copyright 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library
[Call number: R724 A738 1986]
Medical ethics / edited by Robert M. Veatch. by Veatch, Robert M. Publisher: Boston, MA : Jones and Bartlett, [1989]Copyright date: copyright 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library
[Call number: R724 M43 1989]
Youth work ethics / Howard Sercombe. by Sercombe Howard. Copyright date: Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2010Publisher: Los Angeles : Sage Publications, �2010Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 174.93627083 Se65y 2010]
Law & ethics in the business environment / Terry Halbert, Elaine Ingulli. by Halbert, Terry | Ingulli, Elaine. Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western West, [2003]Copyright date: copyright 2003Other title: Law and ethics in the business environment.Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 346.7307 H128l 2003]
Explaining the normative / Stephen P. Turner. by Turner, Stephen P, 1951-. Publisher: Cambridge, UK : P P P �2010Copyright date: copyright 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section
[Call number: 170.44 T857e 2010]