Your search returned 598 results.

Palliative practices : an interdisciplinary approach / Kim K. Kuebler, Mellar P. Davis, Crystal Dea Moore.

by Kuebler, Kim K | Davis, Mellar P | Moore, Crystal Dea.

Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby, 2005Copyright date: copyright 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: R726.8 .K84 2005] (2).

The clinical encounter : a guide to the medical interview and case presentation / J. Andrew Billings, John D. Stoeckle.

by Billings, J. Andrew | Stoeckle, John D.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1999]Copyright date: copyright 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 65 B55 1999] (1).

Mosby's guide to physical examination / Henry M. Seidel ... [et al.].

by Seidel, Henry M.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, [1999]Copyright date: copyright 1999Other title: Guide to physical examination | Physical examination.Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 76 M63 1999 c.1] (2).

Emergency medicine : concepts and clinical practice / Peter Rosen, Roger Barkin, Daniel f. Danzl [eds.].

Edition: 4th edition.Copyright date: St. Louis, MO: Mosby Yearbook, c1998Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 86.7 E5784 1998 v.1] (2).

Integrated knowledge development in nursing / Peggy L. Chinn, Maeona K. Kramer.

by Chinn, Peggy L | Kramer, Maeona K | Chin, Peggy L. Theory and nursing.

Edition: sixth editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby, 2004Copyright date: copyright 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RT84.5 .C487 2004] (1).

Nursing diagnosis handbook : a guide to planning care / Betty J. Ackley, Gail B. Ladwig

by Ackley, Betty J | Ladwig, Gail B.

Edition: seventh editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby/Elsevier, [2006]Copyright date: copyright 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: Ref RT48.6 .A25 2006] (3).

Gerontologic nursing / [edited by] Annette G. Lueckenotte.

by Lueckenotte, Annette Giesler.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RC 954 G4735 2000] (1).

Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing / [edited by] Gail Wiscarz Stuart.

by Stuart, Gail Wiscarz, 1949-.

Edition: ninth editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, [2009]Copyright date: copyright 2009Other title: Psychiatric nursing.Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: RC440 .S78 2009] (1).

Mayo clinic examinations in neurology / Mayo clinic examinations in neurology.

Edition: 7th ediction.Copyright date: St. Louis, MO: Mosby, c1998Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 348 C55 1998] (1).

Physiology / edited by Robert M. Berne ... [et al.].

by Berne, Robert M, 1918-2001.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1998]Copyright date: copyright 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: QP 34.5 P496 1998] (1).

Ambulatory treatment of venous disease : an illustrative guide / [edited by] Mitchel P. Goldman, John J. Bergan.

by Goldman, Mitchel P | Bergan, John J, 1927-.

Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1996]Copyright date: copyright 1996Other title: Venous disease..Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 695 A43 1996] (1).

Comprehensive respiratory medicine / Richard K. albert, Stephen G. Spiro, James R. Jett.

Copyright date: St. Louis, MO: Mosby, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 731 C65 1999] (1).

Clinical manifestations & assessment of respiratory disease / Terry Des Jardins, George G. Burton ; medical illustrations by Timothy H. Phelps.

by Des Jardins, Terry R | Burton, George G, 1934- | Des Jardins, Terry R | Des Jardins, Terry R. Clinical manifestations and assessment of respiratory disease.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1995]Copyright date: copyright 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 731 D47 1995] (1).

Clinical assessment in respiratory care / Robert L. Wilkins, Susan Jones Krider, Richard L. Sheldon ; illustrations by Nathan Lindsey and Anna-Marie Fletcher.

by Wilkins, Robert L | Krider, Susan Jones | Sheldon, Richard L.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, [1995]Copyright date: copyright 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 776 R4 W55 1995] (1).

Musculoskeletal imaging : the requisites / David J. Sartoris.

by Sartoris, David J.

Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1996]Copyright date: copyright 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RC 925.7 S27 1996] (1).

Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery / Constantine T. Frantzides.

Copyright date: St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, Inc, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RD 33.53 L37 1995 c.1] (2).

The Mont Reid surgical handbook / the University of Cincinnati [Dept. of Surgery] residents.

by Reid, Mont | Berry, Scott M | University of Cincinnati. Dept. of Surgery.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1997]Copyright date: copyright 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RD49 .M67 1997] (1).

Ackerman's surgical pathology / Juan Rosai.

by Rosai, Juan, 1940-.

Edition: 8th ed.Publisher: St. Louis : Mosby, [1996]Copyright date: copyright 1996Other title: Surgical pathology.Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RD 57 A2 1995 v.1] (5).

Ackerman's surgical pathology / Juan Rosai.

by Rosai, Juan.

Edition: 8th edition.Copyright date: St. Louis, MO: Mosby, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RD 57 R67 1996 v.2] (2).

Physiology / editors, Robert M. Berne ... [et al.].

by Berne, Robert M, 1918-2001.

Edition: 5th ed.Publisher: St. Louis, MO : Mosby, [2004Copyright date: copyright 2004Availability: No items available