Calculation of drug dosages / Sheila J. Ogden. by Ogden, Sheila J, 1949- | Fluharty, Linda K. Edition: eighth editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby/Elsevier, [2007]Copyright date: copyright 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library
[Call number: RS57 .O33 2007]
Berry & Kohn's operating room technique / Nancymarie Phillips. by Phillips, Nancymarie Fortunato | Berry, Edna Cornelia | Kohn, Mary Louise. Edition: eleventh editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby, [2007]Copyright date: copyright 2007Other title: Berry and Kohn's operating room technique | Operating room technique.Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library
[Call number: RD32.3 .P45 2008]
Berne & Levy physiology / editors, Bruce M. Koeppen, Bruce A. Stanton. by Berne, Robert M, 1918-2001 | Koeppen, Bruce M | Stanton, Bruce A. Edition: sixth edition, updated editionPublisher: Philadelphia, PA : Mosby/Elsevier, [2010]Copyright date: copyright 2010Other title: Berne and Levy physiology | Physiology.Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library
[Call number: QP34.5 .B476 2010]
Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions / by Mosby, Inc. Edition: 8th editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby/Elsevier, [2009]Copyright date: copyright 2009Other title: Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions.Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library
[Call number: Ref R121 .M673 2009]
Mosby's drug guide for nurses / Linda Skidmore-Roth by Skidmore-Roth, Linda. Edition: seventh editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, [2007]Copyright date: copyright 20077Other title: Drug guide for nurses.Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library
[Call number: Ref RM301.12 .S55 2007]