Your search returned 10 results.

Ethical and legal issues in home health and long-term care : challenges and solutions / Dennis A. Robbins.

by Robbins, Dennis A.

Publisher: Gaithersburg, Md. : Aspen Publishers, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section [Call number: 174.2 R534e 1996] (1).

Pediatric home care manual / Mary Ann Chestnut.

by Chestnut, Mary Ann.

Publisher: Philadelphia : Lippincott-Raven Publishers, [1998]Copyright date: copyright 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: Ref RJ245 .C44 1998] (1).

High tech home care : a practical guide / Amy Marie Haddad.

by Haddad, Amy Marie.

Publisher: Rockville, Md. : Aspen Publishers, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: RA645.3 H33 1987] (1).

Clinical pathways for the multidisciplinary home care team / Barbara Stover Gingerich, Deborah Anne Ondeck, [editors].

by Gingerich, Barbara Stover | Ondeck, Deborah Anne.

Edition: second edition.Publisher: Gaithersburg, Maryland : Aspen Publishers, [2001]Copyright date: copyright 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: RA645.3 .C556 2001] (1).

Home health care provider : a guide to essential skills / Emily Prieto.

by Prieto, Emily.

Publisher: New York : Springer Publishing Company, [2008]Copyright date: copyright 2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: Ref RA645.3 .P75 2008] (1).

Home care nursing : using an accreditation approach / Patsy Anderson, Deolinda Mignor.

by Anderson, Patsy | Mignor, Deolinda.

Publisher: Clifton Park, NY : Thomson-Delmar Learning, 2008Copyright date: copyright 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: RA973 .A53 2008] (1).

The social work supervisor : supervision in community, day care, and residential settings / Allan Brown and Iain Bourne.

by Brown, Allan G | Bourne, Iain, 1955-.

Publisher: Buckingham ; Philadelphia : Open University Press, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section [Call number: 361.320683 B812s 1996] (1).

Home care nursing practice : concepts and application / Robyn Rice.

by Rice, Robyn.

Edition: Fourth editionPublisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, �2006Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: RT120.H65 R535 2006] (1).

Community health nursing care plans : a guide for home health care professionals / Susan L. Scherman.

by Scherman, Susan L.

Publisher: New York : John Wiley & Sons, [1985]Copyright date: copyright 1985Availability: Items available for loan: Health Sciences Library [Call number: Ref RT98 .S34 1985] (2).

New developments in home care services for the elderly : innovations in policy, program, and practice / Lenard W. Kaye, editor.

by Kaye, Lenard W.

Publisher: New York : Haworth Press, [1995]Copyright date: copyright 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Circulation Section [Call number: 362.63 N42 1995] (1).